Friday, February 6, 2009

We Love Baths

Leo hated baths at first. Really hated them. Meltdown hated them. But after a visit to gran's last month, he's really come around. We now call him the tadpole, since he loves to wiggle and splash around. The best part is his happy, yet determined, little face throughout. You can't quite hear it on the video, but he makes a raspy little panting sound while he's doing this. Watch and enjoy.

And, Rob learned to use the video function on the blog! This is big.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dinner with the Neighbors

We had Sunday dinner with our next door neighbors, Charlie, Krissy, Jiries and Dalia. They and Leo are all quite fond of each other.

Here's Dalia (6) and Jiries (9).

Charlie and Leo dig one another.

Fun in numbers!

Sunday in the Park

The great weather continues here in SF. Bad for the snowpack, great for Sundays in the park.

Holy Roller

Holy cow! Leo rolled over from his belly to his back today for the first time. We weren't quite fast enough on the draw to catch it on film, but here's the "before" status. Note drool cascade.

Friends & Family

Leo's had quite a few visitors this week.

First, his pal Aiden dropped by. Here they're having a fist eating contest. Not sure who won.

Then, Tia Cara swung through town for a little visit. We've missed you, Cara!

More time with Aiden. Handsome lads...

Finally, little James paid a visit. Yes, they're holding hands.

Friends are fun.