Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sleep, or the lack thereof

A common bit of advice I heard prior to Leo's arrival was "get some sleep now, 'cause you won't get it once the baby comes." I'm now here to tell you: true that. The past four nights since we returned home from the hospital have consisted of Laura and me taking shifts between the living room and our bedroom, alternately sleeping, comforting, dozing, changing and feeding. The consequences of this type of sleep deprivation are obvious (zombie-like behavior), but the most interesting one to me has been the total detachment from the time of day and what should be happening at that time. Mornings could be afternoons, middle of the night might as well be dinner time. It's ultra weird, but has its little rewards, such as this cute little bed-head face that we awoke to this morning. Plus, check out the accidental smile!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this period of time is commonly referred to in our house as "GROUND HOG DAY" :)